Sharing all our decorating plans for our rented home this year. This is now our 7th year in this home!
Ahhh a new year A fresh start… A new me??
Probably not, but it’s catchy for sure!
I don’t really have any specific resolutions this year… more intentions or vibes I want to keep going throughout the year. Like….. More fun! And quality time with friends and family . It’s creeping up to two years since having my youngest and honestly, I am so ready to mingle again and get back some remnants of my social life. And this is coming from a happy introvert.
I also want to think twice about the things I bring into my home – starting with a very gradual and intentional decluttering process. It’s a few years overdue, and I’m starting to feel house overwhelm at this point! You know where it feels impossible to keep on top of the daily tidying? That part! I think having a second child has really compounded those feelings. I mean I know toddlers are small – but they do come with a lot of stuff! And all that stuff is usually everywhere (thanks to said toddler!).
So maybe I just need less stuff? … and a little order i.e a place for everything . I’ll be sharing the process over on Instagram and TikTok so join me over there !
Anyways….a few years ago- I saw a post by Shavonda from @sgardenerstyle sharing all her house plans for the New Year, and I thought it was such a great way to start the year, so I felt inspired to do the same this year . Sometimes putting things out into the world can help to steer you in the right direction and achieve your goals.
So that’s what I wanted to talk about today….my plans for this house in 2023 – provided nothing drastic happens on the landlords side and we don’t have to move (ideally we’d like to stay here for one more year at least l).
- It needs a general paint refresh!
- Install better storage system for coats and shoes. Maybe add a curtain for the storage opening
- Insulation here needs to be improved somehow – it’s so bad!
- Flooring – again what was I thinking with the white flooring?! We have some left over laminate from our old flooring so I’ll be putting that down.
Living room:
- A new coat of paint – there are toddler finger marks everywhere!
- I’m in the market for a new sofa. I know, I know! But we need something that doesn’t have such a big back rest and doesn’t take up too much space, I would like it to feel less cramped! And it’s got to be yellow obviously!!
- Paint the wood panelling white (I’m not sure how I feel about the raw wood look anymore)
- Add blinds / or shutters (the vertical blinds are on their last leg)
- Repaint stairs and doors (the same colour they just need a touch up)
- Change overhead lighting
- Install a radiator shelf / cover
Dining room:
- Add a second curtain rail for second window.
- Fresh coat of paint to touch up the walls
- Refresh /clean /paint the sliding patio door. It looking so grungy and dirty
- Paint the divider (yes I’ve decided it’s time)
- Incorporate toy storage /playroom area here in some way! The lockers will be great for that I think
- Tile the bar area
- I never did varnish the pantry I painted so I need to do that pronto! I still love it and if you’d like to see what I did, you can head to the blog post here!
- Change the kitchen floor.Dont be deceived by the pictures, the kitchen floor is a mess- remind me never to get a white one again
- Add a second open plan shelf ( I already have it, I just need to put it up) The additional storage will be welcome and it was always my original plan .
- Wallpaper??? Now you’re going to think I’m crazy but I’m actually considering moving it! Not sure how I’m feeling about it anymore! What do you think? Keep or get rid?
- Sort out my cupboards, they are in massive need of organising and decluttering . This needs to be a series right?! …. I’m down!
I’ve given up on this space – but it would be nice to make the utilities area look a little more presentable . We’ll see …
Stairs / landing :
It needs a whole refresh … although I’ve never really decorated it before so I think this might be the year! Think new light, large art etc!
Our bedroom :
It needs a whole new revamp! No kidding!…….Apart from a few changes over the years the bones of this room have pretty much stayed the same. No more. I need a change! We’ve changed, our lives have changed and I’m just not feeling that black wall! It’s gotta go! New wardrobes doors for sure
My Eldest son’s bedroom:
Apart from adding a little order to it … nothing much needs changing! So let’s say it needs some better organisation (are you sensing a theme to our house updates?) I also need to add a huge cork board wall for all his art work. Possibly a new bed as the current one he has is a kids bed and he’s kinda outgrowing it as he is pretty tall!
The bathroom:
There are no pictures of said space as ive near decorated it before. But I would love to do some small updates in there this year!
Nothing needs changing – but could this be the year he graduates to a floor / toddler bed….yup insert feels here!
So, those are my plans! I think they’re quite manageable and I’ve already started pinning my ideas and searching for inspiration for the bigger projects like our bedroom and living room. Was this is helpful? What plans do you have for your home?